
Showing posts from January, 2019

New Year, new outlook.

I rarely rant but..... Parents/grandparents of Autistic kids....don't presume you can lecture me or my podlings on manners/conversation skills as my reaction may offend. And can I just add that countering my "as an Autistic person" with "but I'm a grandparent" scores you absolutely no points on the 'how many fucks I give' scoreboard. Nanny McNoyoufuckoff. But what caused such ill feeling I hear you ask (well type but you get the idea). Well I was out with the girls on Saturday and they bumped into someone who used to be at school with them out with their grannie for the day. So far so Autism families bonding. Anyway as they chatted the gran (obviously) was asking who we were and as she was asking twin one piped up to say how much she loved anime - we were in Tokyo Toys at the time buying anime stuff so kinda figures - when the old woman just lost it, telling twin one how rude she was interrupting and she must ...