So we're two weeks into 2021 and nothing seems to have changed since the first lockdown last March and I've hit the point where thinking any further ahead than a couple of days is becoming way too stressful. My constant 'Man Who Fell to Earth' multi-screen head is slowly turning into an off-tune B&W portable TV and to be honest that kinda freaks me out a wee bit...even typing it scares me as it's hard to admit that I'm not the massive mountain of strength I should be. Yes I have a few (emphasis on the few) projects to keep me going plus the joys of home schooling should be kicking in but the whole bizarre vague complexity of the situation is just fogging up my brain. The need to logically - and simply - plan out actions and responses seems useless right now as those in power (to a lesser extent up here) seem content to just shuffle about doing nothing. Shoppers are still unable to queue, wear masks or social distance at tills and it feels like I'm scream...