
Showing posts from March, 2023

Autism Acceptance Week 2023: Say What?

Just a quick post today as I've woken up with the lurgy and feel like shite. Got a friend who's been recently diagnosed? Friend got a child who's been recently diagnosed? Want to show support and not sound like a massive cock? If so you're in luck as here is a handy print out guide as to what NOT to say in relation to autism. Or to someone who's autistic. You're welcome Andrew.     "I've read a thing on the internet so I am right!"       1. “Don’t worry, we're all a little Autistic.” No.  Just no. At last count we make up around 1.5% of the population.'s like announcing that "We're all a little bit pregnant" to someone expecting a baby or "We're all a little bit wobbly on our feet!" to someone in a wheelchair. I mean, if we were all a little bit Autistic we wouldn't have to fight for everything would we? Yes I understand that folk maybe say it from a good place but here's a thing, engage your ...

Autism Acceptance Week 2023: Autitune!

  Talking about music - as we were earlier - ages ago I tried to curate an Autastic tracklist but just ended up with songs that give me goosebumps and over excited stim can find it here if you're interested.   Anyway, to cheer everyone up I thought I'd reshare my post about Autistic type tracks, basically songs I feel sum me up or I just enjoy!  Hopefully you might too.     First up (from me) my own personal Autism anthem....       And the song that reminds me of the podlings and their pals....   I've also appropriated 'Losing Sleep' by the genius that is Edwyn Collins as a top 'Tism tune too! :)   Special interests anyone?   Rho kindly added that this sums things up for her! Teenage years? it covered! In more ways than one... Dating? And if we're at the whole dating/relationships/emotional thing then this - but mainly because it's probably THE greatest song and vocal performance ever committed to vi...

Autism Acceptance Week 2023: All A Blur.

    An Autism Acceptance Week repost that might - or might not, it's your choice, I'm not your mum - be of interest to those wanting a wee peek into the fabled 'Autistic Mindset'. Or more likely just interested in my work. Don't forget I'm available to hire. Either way, knock yersel' oot as they cry up here.   Last year top music-type fella - and all round nice bloke - Paul Laird wrote a new book - The Birth and Impact of Britpop. And why the blatant plugging I hear you ask. Well type but you get the picture. It's because I did the illustrations for it and it's kinda interesting as to why I got so excited when Paul approached me. You see when I get approached to do a project the one thing I need to find (in order to actually do it) is a personal 'hook' - no matter what the subject matter or style it has to be something that gets me excited. Simply put if I don't feel I 'get' the subject (even in a small way) then I can't...

Autism Acceptance Week 2023: Everybody Wants To Be A Cat.

  Revisting this post for Autism Acceptance Week, about how sometimes our Autistic brains may have all the knowledge in the universe but at the same time know absolutely nothing because - bizarrely - it's one of the most popular things I've ever posted. I like to think that's because it's one of the most profound and honest things I've ever written but to be honest it's probably because it's so arse-numbingly cringey. You decide. Enjoy.       The 28th October is a really special day for me. You see it's the date that THE greatest book ever written was published (way back in 1958) so naturally I spend the day harping on about it to anyone who'll listen. The book is Breakfast At Tiffany's if you're wondering. I don't think there has ever been another author (outside Terrance Dicks who basically taught me to read) that's had such a profound effect on me as Truman Capote, from the moment I first read In Cold Blood I was hooked - final...