
Showing posts from June, 2019

Same old scene....

It's the final countdown to the summer holidays where we have 6 weeks of fun and frolics with our brood. The girls are excited about going into 4th year whilst the Cass-Man is just thinking about the extra time he's got to eat chocolate. I'm preparing myself for a major routine change whilst planning a trip 'darn sarf' as well as getting set to nosy about at Glasgow City Councils Autism Aware Initiative training day and to top it off today is the school end of term bash. So why am I at home and not attending this big celebration? Well thanks to an ongoing issue* that appears (to me anyway) to be getting 'sorted' by being ignored in the hope it'll go away (a fairly well know NT thing from what I can gather) I'm left here feeling slightly unwelcome and maybe, just maybe a wee bit odd due to how I deal with stuff. I'd honestly love to be there but heyho I'll just sit in the house and brood, I mean I wouldn't want to make anyone unc...

Beastly Priestly.

As a follow on to the post from way back in April regarding religious groups in the States exorcising autistic folk because we're possessed by the Devil (obviously) it was reported in The Irish Times today that the  Archbishop of Dublin, Diarmuid Martin, has 'considered'* withdrawing an for Fr Dominic Valanmahal to lead a retreat in Ireland after he'd been found preaching that the increased incidence of autism and hyperactivity in children is due to their parents’ lifestyle. Classy guy. “Why does this generation have autism and hyperactivity? That is to say, mentally retarded children are in abundance,” Valanmahal asked in a sermon after sneakily polishing off a bottle of communion wine**. “Adultery, masturbation, homosexuality, porn, if you are addicted to these , I say to you in the name of God,...when you get married and have children, there is a high possibility of bearing these type of children,” he said, nervously eyeing up an altar boy*** as he fiddled wit...

Ad Aspie.

Trailer for director James Gray's sc-fi 'epic' Ad Astra which tells the tale of the 'slightly autistic' (their quotes) engineer Roy McBride, as he does something meaningful in space. No idea what they're doing using the phrase ' slightly autistic' tho' in a film billed as being "the most scientifically accurate sci-fi film ever." but heyho, it might be good.