Every Little Helps....

Ah Sainsbury's - you were doing so well with the sunflower lanyard and your autism awareness training but you had to go spoil it didn't you?

Seems that a Twitter storm has erupted this weekend due to the supermarket chain stocking "Get Well" Magazine.

And why is this a problem I hear you cry/type?

Well let's take a look at the latest issue:


But there's more.

Turns out that "Get Well" Magazine is actually a retitled version of  "What Doctors Don't Tell You", a (previously banned by Sainsbury's in 2013) publication by anti-vaxxer Lynne McTaggart that has been referred to as "viciously, viciously anti-vaccine"by Dr Ben Goldacre and "pseudoscience" by The Times as well as managing in it's short lifespan to commit 54 breaches of the ASA Code.

Here's some interesting reading regarding the criticism of the magazine:

You can follow the story on Twitter but in the meantime feel free to head into your local Sainsury's and ask them politely to remove any copies on sale.

And if they don't grab 'em and bin 'em.

Cos every little helps.

Thanks to Ellie Tait (amongst others) for the heads up/hard work.


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