
Showing posts from February, 2020

Park Life.

It's been recently reported that Blairvadach outdoor centre - one of the largest of its type in Scotland - will be closing in less than four months as part of a raft of savings in Glasgow council's 2020-21 budget. In response to this, Glasgow City Council has commented that it is committed to exploring "new, innovative and alternative" ways to offer outdoor learning that "complements" a pupil's education. So if it's anything like their stunning ASN transport provision it'll consist of staff turning up when they feel like it - or not at all - and having the day of with a hangover after Old Firm matches whilst constantly bitching about their pay. And all this whilst the folk in the office organizing it cry on the phone at you and tell you how difficult their job is. But why is it so important? I hear you cry. Well in my past life as an arts/play development type (yes I am allowed to work with children, scary as that may seem...

When The Shat Hits The Fans.

Been an interesting week so far, culminating in Captain Kirk himself referring to me as being a member of a militant subgroup before urging his followers to block me and folk like me. So, what evil cult am I a member of? ISIS? SPECTRE? The Scottish Conservatives? Actually no, the militant subgroup in question are those of us that use the #ActuallyAutistic hashtag on Twitter. No, really. The #ActuallyAutistic that is used primarily so that #ActuallyAutistic folk can find each other on Twitter,  celebrating - and in some ways validating our existence and knowledge is #actually - according to Shatner: This is where I'd normally type something witty and/or cutting but honestly if you don't see what's wrong with this comment then there's really no hope for you. And how did this all start I hear you cry? Well about a year back 'The Shat' announced that he was getting involved with the eugenics expounding American charity Autism Spe...

Saiko Exciting!

  Who knew anime was so powerful?  Obviously I've been doing it a wee bit wrong tho' by insisting we all watch Akira. Never mind.

Doctor Who Knows?

The old Autistic Person vs Person with Autism discussion has surfaced again on Twitter - even tho' last time (and the time before that) it turned out that over 80% of us preferred Autistic person (hell even NHS England changed their literature to suit us).  I'm now pretty sure that we're trapped in some kind of Kafka-esque timeloop where the same thing keeps getting asked over and over just to make NT folk think their opinion on this is important. Or as Rho put it, it's a cunning ouroboros loop (or chronic hysteresis) put in place so that all the Autistic folk get distracted and can't discuss anything else! So with that in mind....enjoy!  

Asking For A Friend...

For anyone interested, here are the rules if you receive school transport provision: Please note there's no comeback for the drivers just not being arsed turning up because they feel they don't get paid enough to do it. Maybe sort this out at the contract negotiation phase? Or maybe, just maybe use the cash you raise for doing the Troon run to actually help SEN kids on a daily basis rather than once a year so you get a pat on the back? Just a thought.

Finest Worksong.

Just finished up (nearly) all the artwork - minus the guest stuff - for this years Glasgow FrightFest so thought I'd share. You can see the full size pieces if you so desire, here .