When The Shat Hits The Fans.

Been an interesting week so far, culminating in Captain Kirk himself referring to me as being a member of a militant subgroup before urging his followers to block me and folk like me.

So, what evil cult am I a member of?



The Scottish Conservatives?

Actually no, the militant subgroup in question are those of us that use the #ActuallyAutistic hashtag on Twitter.

No, really.

The #ActuallyAutistic that is used primarily so that #ActuallyAutistic folk can find each other on Twitter,  celebrating - and in some ways validating our existence and knowledge is #actually - according to Shatner:

This is where I'd normally type something witty and/or cutting but honestly if you don't see what's wrong with this comment then there's really no hope for you.

And how did this all start I hear you cry?

Well about a year back 'The Shat' announced that he was getting involved with the eugenics expounding American charity Autism Speaks - an organisation well documented for advocating a cure rather than acceptance, marginalizes Autistic voices and produces ads like this amongst other things - a fair few of us were understandibly concerned and tweeted Shatner to tell him.

Did he listen and take the comments and worries onboard or did he suggest that his followers harass anyone disagreeing with him, accuse them of pretending to be Autistic (because as he said, 'real' Autistics can't communicate and the vocal mob on Twitter were just in it for the free I-Pads), causing a load of Autistic folk to delete their accounts in what was probably the biggest celebrity bullying scandal I've witnessed?

Guess which one.

But then, what would we know about Autism, obviously f*ck all so you shouldn't bother even thinking of engaging with us as according to Big Bill:

Luckily he's in Glasgow next month so if you want to talk to him about it then here's your chance. 

I mean he can't block us all in real-life can he?


  1. That advert is terrifying - it's like a weird cult recruitment video. Very on brand for Autism Speaks - not by autistic folks, not for autistic folks, but a smug circle wank of 'boo hoo for me' by family members.

  2. Interestingly, Shatners quote exactly describes Autistic Dark Web types, not the likes of us...

    He outlines the tactics used last year, 2019. Then projected them onto victims of this organised trolling gang.

    Create an ethos then use it to your advantage. Not that ylur targets will work that out.....😉

  3. And scarily both the ADW and The Shat have links to/ar pro AS!


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