Artful Dodger!

Before normal service is resumed - and by that I mean posts about the insane shite folk post online regarding 'the autism' - I'd like to blow my own (metaphorical) art-trumpet and say that not only was FrightFest really great this year (as it usually is) but my art-type stuff went down really well.

Yay me.

And to celebrate here's a peek at some of it:*

Also, which is an added bonus, I didn't get home completely drained as is the usual when attending/attempting social-type events so really happy about that too.

Regular reader(s) will have read before knowing your limits when it comes to social activity can be a wee bit of a minefield especially if like me you throw caution to the wind and try to do everything leaving yourself both physically and emontonal shattered and cowering in a corner (or your bed) flapping like a seagull but this year the planets must have been aligned or some such thing as I got in Sunday morning slightly tired but otherwise feeling fine.

Maybe, just maybe heading home rather than to a bar at 2 in the morning maybe helped.

Well that and the fact that everything that usually takes a shed-load of energy - the chatting, social cue type stuff and generally being switched on for 48 hours straight seemed to take very little effort this year, thanks in part to there being a load of folk I knew there and the new folk I spoke to being bloody lovely.

Plus the films were good.


So thanks everyone.

Saying that probably none of the folk who attend will ever read this but you can never be too sure.

Anyway for anyone interested (probably no-one) here's my Frightfest 2020 top ten things (may contain spoilers….and nuts):

 Fave film: A Ghost Waits

Fave film featuring an Autie/Aspie character: Sea Fever

Nicest wallpaper: Saint Maud

Coolest accessory: Natasha Halevi’s bloodied axe handbag

Best onscreen hair: Hermione Corfield 

Obscurest - but always appreciated - appearance by Udo Kier: A Blu-Ray of Iron Sky 2 appearing on my seat

Loveliest person: Everyone who said nice work related stuff to me, much appreciated!

Most unexpected exploding body part scene: (tie) The Mortuary Collection/ButtBoy

Best use of a tennis ball: VFW

Best bit of the festival: All of it.

*And you can see the whole lot here.


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