
A really quick post about the whole Dominic Cumming/autistic wean thing currently exploding on 'the Twitter'.

Sorry if I'm way more ranty than normal but to be honest - which I always am - I'm bloody raging.

So according to an anonymous leak, Dominic Cummings son is 'severely' autistic and that's why he had to travel 250 odd miles to his parents house to celebrate his wife's birthday or whatever.

Seriously I so saw this excuse coming, a perfect way to shut up critics and to frame him as a caring type.

It's the perfect excuse - it's not like we can say "Well he doesn't look autistic" is it? 

Which would be OK I guess if he wasn't one of the architects of the whole herd immunity/DNR orders for autistic folk idea who pushes eugenics theory at every opportunity.

It's amazing how, after Cumming's says his child is autistic that everyone and their fucking dog has an opinion.

If that's the case at least get the language right.

To make matters worse it's meant that my entire newsfeed is now full of person first spouting know alls saying how he's the worlds best dad and how because their friends brothers uncle knows an autie they're all world experts.


So let's get this straight, a 'severely' (they're never say just autistic are they?) child is driven 250 miles without a stop and is fine?

Ro barely gets 10 mins down the road without Cassidy launching himself at her from the backseat.

And before anyone says I'm politicizing his child's alleged autism, I'm not....he is.

As Rosie Weldon so eloquently put it on Twitter earlier* - 

Anyone who thinks the child being autistic excuses this behaviour has no idea what the autism community has been through these past few months. 

AND still followed the rules. 

We have persevered and now get dragged through this. 

Autism isn’t an excuse. It’s not a card to play.

And breathe. 

*Well she is a writer, I just draw stuff.


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