The Angry Man Can.....

Vaguely amusing incident in Morrison's yesterday that I just had to share.

Well didn't actually have to (I mean it's not like someone threatened my dog if I didn't*) but you know what I mean.

Anyway, over the last week or so we've been getting the podlings used to idea of wearing face masks when out shopping partly in preparation for it becoming mandatory in shops next week but manly just to see if they can wear them OK.

And guess what?

Yup, they're fine with them but my massive face phobia has kicked in and I find myself hyperventilating and panicking to a point of passing out.

Oh yes, and panic vomiting.

Add to that I'm finding it really difficult to focus on/read folks faces (well even more difficult than normal) when everything is hidden.

Anyway, I've been doing my best but toward the end of the shopping trip I've got the choice of:

A. Taking off the facemask and making it out of the shop on two feet.


B. Collapsing in a shaky heap in tears and being escorted out of the shop with no purchases.

Obviously I'm going for A because, um, reasons.


So with that out of the way I can get back to the tale at hand.

As I mentioned earlier (and no I'm not getting paid by the word) was out shopping with Amelia, I'd worn my mask all around the shop but as we were queuing to pay I had to take it off - in order to breathe/function properly - so I popped it in my pocket and waited 2 metres away from the person in front and got ready to unpack my shopping.

Everything was going swimmingly until the aforementioned shopper (middle-aged, slight beer-belly, football tattoo, you know the type) announced loudly to the cashier after looking towards me:

"So, when is it that masks are compulsory in shops? is it Friday? You'd think everyone would know to wear one by now!"

After talking about this to Ro I've discovered that this is the NT trait called 'passive aggressiveness' and this comment was intended to  not only make him feel superior for wearing a mask** but also to shame me for not wearing one.

And not, I repeat not an excuse for me to engage with him directly and put him right re: his frankly uneducated and slightly annoying comment.

If only I'd known that at the time.

Because then I wouldn't have replied....

"I'm really looking forward to it as there's nothing better than being out shopping and having folk with absolutely no clue as to why I'm not wearing a mask lecturing me the subject when they obviously have no idea that certain groups are exempt from doing so....because I love disclosing information about my disability to complete strangers whilst buying potatoes....dealing with lockdown as an autistic person has been such an easy ride anyway that I can't wait to get judged for a reason other than the fact that I don't have to queue to shop! Did I say I was looking forward to it? Sorry what I actually meant was I'm looking forward to telling folk to fuck off."

Disappointingly he didn't engage and just skulked off after paying. 

And the moral of the story is?

I've no idea but don't be an absolute arsehole seems a good place to start.

*I don't have a dog.

**His mask wasn't even covering his nose.


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