
It all seems to have gone a wee bit grim around here at the moment (thank you social work) so I thought I'd cheer the place up with some more Autistic tinged, film-based tales of my youth, seeing as they seem to go down quite well here.

You're welcome.

Way back in the heady days of 1988 I took a girl to see The Blob remake, being an intensely geeky/Autistic film nerd you can imagine how important/exciting this was for me at the time, I'd even persuaded her to watch the original on VHS the night before so she could take notes, compare and contrast the two films etc.

Because that's how cinema dates work obviously.

I assume she was happy with this because she sat intently watching from the edge of my bed, arms folded and with a serious expression that said - to me - I am concentrating and enjoy being tested on films.


Anyway the next day we arrived at the cinema (early obviously so we could see the trailers and immerse ourselves in the full cinema experience etc) and settled into our seats. 

As the film started I (vaguely) noticed she was a wee bit antsy, maybe she was scared? I thought then carried on watching.

About halfway thru' the film she stood up, mumbled something about 'forgetting something' and needing the toilet  promptly leaving, only to return just before the end very flustered and out of breath. 

I assumed she'd been running or something (I was always really good at reading folk), only to discover (much later) that she'd not forgotten her bag or needed a wee at all but was in fact out of breath as she'd left the cinema to have sex in the car park with another guy. 

Another guy with absolutely no film taste.

Which frankly was way more upsetting.



That's not all tho' - skip forward (many) years and one night when Ro and I are discussing awful cinema stories (I wont tell you hers) and I let loose the sorry tale.

 When I get to the bit where she'd randomly bumped into this guy she fancied and had sex with him, Ro looked at me in disbelief and ask if I actually thought it was a random encounter. 

"Well that's what she said later" I replied.

Ro laughed heartily before giving me that look and pointing out that it sounded very much like the whole thing was planned.

 This revelation blew my mind.

"But why would you arrange to have sex with someone in a car when you could be watching The Blob remake on the big screen?"

I really don't know what lesson to take from this other than some people really don't like remakes. 

Or something. 

Thanks for listening.


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