Happy Birthday Ghostwatch!


Can it really be 30 years since spookmiester supreme Stephen Volk invited us to spend Halloween night alongside the Early family and the pesky poltergeist Mr Pipes in their house on Foxhill Drive?....It's just that it seems that Ghostwatch has always been a part of our Halloween celebrations - not so much speaking to the nations psyche and its love of the supernatural as sneakily creeping up behind it and shouting "BOO!" as loud as it could before kidnapping its kids and locking itself in the cupboard under the stairs (or in our case in the hall).

My biggest regret was that I never actually saw it on transmission being as I was out at a Halloween party (bizarrely actually dressed as Craig Charles – spooky eh?) so didn’t get to see it till early the next morning, soberingly strong coffee in hand and clutching a bowl of popcorn I sat transfixed – little knowing of the mayhem it caused (and the damp trousers) across Britain just a few hours earlier. From there on in every Halloween was Ghostwatch night culminating on the 5th anniversary of the shows original broadcast when, to celebrate, the Ghostwatch boardgame was born.
No, really.
Whilst others celebrate the ultimate in sinister spooktaculars with documentaries, tattoos and serious social discourse we celebrate by mocking up a mangy cat bitten beast in our cupboard and roll a dice in order to collect paranormal evidence whilst dodging the glory hole and Suzy’s sweary schoolbook and donning laminated Parky masks.
And for that Mr Volk we salute you.
Just don’t let that image give you nightmares.

And whilst I'm waxing lyrical about Ghostwatch here's Ghostwatch - Welcome to fright night! - the terrifying tribute lovingly (and drunkenly) put together by myself and Mr Dissolved Paul way back in '97 for its 5th birthday that was recently - and spookily - resurrected for the 30th anniversary showings.

So for your ear entertainment here's the full audio experience...Enjoy (and don't have nightmares).



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