Saturday Bitchin'.

Well, 6 months(!) on and the whole SW/college/ transport debacle has totally worn me out....partly due to the utter incompetence of so called 'professional' bodies but mainly because you realise that 'prioritizing' cases is shorthand for we can't be arsed/you don't matter....

It's absurd to me that in 6 months not only has nothing moved on but the whole (explained) idea of Autistic routine and communication seems so unimportant...

After explaining that keeping appointments/phoning when arranged is really key to this we have 2/3 weeks of radio silence then a half-hearted 'sorry been busy'....Aye, no worries I've just sat waiting to hear from you....

On a personal note my communication skills can some times come across as intense or loud (I like to call it passionate!) - It's one of the first things I mention in meetings etc to put folk at ease....

So it's kind of annoying to be told I'm being 'shouty' and to shush and listen....

I'm not angry or 'shouty' I'm just fucking frustrated that something as simple as attempting to unlock a transport fund can take half a year and a dozen highly qualified workers and still not be done.

There's so much more to unpack but to be honest I'm kinda done....if it wasn't so awful it'd be laughable.

As an aside can anyone tell me what the social work obsession with respite is? Seriously do they have shares in a respite company?


Us: "We need the transport budget unlocked for college". 

SW: " that like respite?"

Us: "No it's a fund to enable the kids to attend college and have a wee bit of independence".

SW: "So a wee bit like respite then?"

Us: "No totally involves the kids staying away for a weekend or so, the other takes them to college for a few hours a day".

SW: "I see, but have you considered respite as an alternative?"

Us: "What? to college?"

SW: " No don't be silly! We mean as well as college...well actually no, we mean instead of because that's the only thing we have any knowledge of....and by knowledge of I mean can spell".

US: "Look can we just have a college transport fund please?"

SW: "Please don't shout at be honest I think repsite would be better and would make you less stressed and shouty!"


Fuck off.

Well, sort the transport out and then fuck off.


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