Shaken Not Stirred.

Discovered this little nugget whilst surfing the interweb t'other day when trying to find out if there was any actual difference between shaking a Martini and stirring it.

You'd probably think it wouldn't really matter since you're just mixing the ingredients but scarily enough a study was recently conducted by The Department of Biochemistry at the University of Western Ontario to determine if the preparation of a Martini had any influence on its antioxidant capacity.

It turns out that the study found that the shaken gin martinis were able to break down hydrogen peroxide and leave only 0.072% of the peroxide, while the stirred gin martini left 0.157%.

Therefore a shaken Martini has more antioxidants than a stirred one. 

Based on this information I've concluded that for James Bond to be able to notice a difference this small he must be a proper Autistic. 

Thank you for listening.


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