You're History.

Can't believe it's 6 years since the Glasgow refugee/asylum seekers installation was unveiled at the St Enoch Centre... thanks to the shortsightedness of Glasgow City Council, Glasgow Life and the Scottish Government, projects like this, the Glasgow City Mission 'Can You See Me?' and the Castlemilk Parish Men's Group project (among others) will cease to exist...


Fantastic community resources like The Open Museum and Glasgow Museums Resource Centre, organizations that have done more than anyone else in Glasgow to consistently deliver on the city councils 2018 promise to invest in Autism friendly activities and to make the museum environment a more inclusive place for everyone will be lost and all in the (short sighted) name of cost cutting.

And it's not just from the viewpoint of an Autistic museum visitor - in a professional capacity The Open Museum is probably THE most Autistic aware/friendly organisation I've ever had the pleasure to work with.

Yes, I have a vested interest in this group (obviously) but their policy of accessible history and education for all encompasses so much more.

Let's be honest tho' we can't have those in charge (who've mismanaged the budgets in the first place as well as totally forgetting that pesky old Autism pledge as soon as something better - and easier to support - came along) to bear any responsibility - or pay cuts - can we?

I mean those costly junkets and self- congratulatory photoshoots outside the City Chambers aren't going to pay for themselves.


Everyone should be out protesting this before it's too late.


And what better place to start than by (politely) contacting:

Councillor Susan Aitken (Leader of Glasgow City Council)
Councillor Annette Christie, (Chair of Glasgow Life)

End of speech.


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