College Update.

For those (still) interested in the whole college support debacle that's been going on for 3 years now(!) here's a quick update on how Cassidy - and myself - have been getting on attending 3 days a week without the necessary support.

Well we've managed the first month and he's loving it which is good, still no word from Social Work regarding a support worker/assisted travel for him so I'm still having to take him/work with him every day, effectively doing my old job for free.

Which is nice.

Downside is that with both myself and Rho having to escort the kids to and from college 3 days a week it's leaving precious little (re: no) time for other stuff like laundry (house is still not repaired so the water pressure is still too low to use the washing machine), applying for/attending guardianship meetings or re-applying for Cassidy's adult disability payment seeing as Social Services Scotland 'accidentally' cancelled it and the like plus the rush hour travel and all that this entails is pretty wearing for me on an Autistic level but what else are we to do?

I mean I'm not denying him a chance to experience life even if the Scottish Government wants to.

As an amusing aside rail fairs are going up from Monday so it's now going to cost me £54 for the privilege of doing all this for free.


More soon, if I've not collapsed and been hospitalised for exhaustion that is.


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