
As regular readers of this blog may have realised, the majority of my posts of late have been taken up with recording the ongoing debacle that is accessing support in Glasgow.

As well as the lack of anything remotely pertaining to that I've mentioned the fact that when Cassidy turned 18 Social Security Scotland 'accidentally' cancelled his disability payment, we've had to wait till now to re-apply as we needed a letter from school (it was the holidays) and we've been snowed under with little things like trying to organise a house rebuild, guardianship, working, being the sole carers of three disabled kids, shopping, sleeping etc. so it's been pretty fraught.

Anyway, woke up this morning to a letter saying that Cassidy has to attend a 1:1 interview to assess his claim.

Yup, our 18 year old, almost totally non verbal son who needs 1:1 support 24 hours a day has to go for an interview to prove he's disabled.

Oh and he needs photo ID and a driving license too.

And to think that the Scottish Government said that when disability payments were deferred to Scotland the whole process would be less demeaning.

Seriously I've had enough now, just fuck off.


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