Now this hashtag has been trending a fair bit on Twitter recently and to be honest I've been at a loss as to how I feel about it. To those who have no idea what I'm talking about (with regards to masking not in real-life obviously which would be just about everyone), masking - or Camouflaging or passing if you prefer, it's up to you go on knock yourself out - is what we do in order to better fit in and conform to social norms. But before you say "Well we all do that to a certain extent!" let me just say that Autistic masking is oh so slightly different. And also add that I'm not the one shouting sentences at a computer screen. Whereas it's true that NT folk will mask and change to fit in, they do it with full knowledge of the whys and wheres of social situations and the pitfalls that go with them. With Autistic folk, much of the masking is there in order to just fit in with situations that are really alien to us - we're essentially copying wh...