Wears Captain Kirk.

A quick repost of this fairly childish thing seeing as it's almost Halloween....


As you all know (probably) in the movie Micheal Myers stalks cutesy, bookish babysitter Laura Strode - on Halloween night - whilst wearing a William Shatner mask and this got me thinking is there more to this slasher classic than meets the eye?

As mentioned here before, it's a well known fact that Shatner isn't the biggest fan of autistic folk (especially those who know their own mind) and is pretty upfront about this, so what if - in some timey-whimey turn of fate, John Carpenter was actually trying to warn us about this?*

Seriously, if you think about it, the whole thing is very spooky.

I mean what if Michael Myers wears the Shatner mask because he literally is Shatner, the blue overalls he wears symbolizing the whole autistic love for the colour, hoping it will draw us in whilst the knife symbolizes his cutting wit and repartee on Twitter as he puts us all in our place.

Anyway think of the rest of the cast - they're all obsessed with drinking and shagging and nothing else....you could say this was their 'special interests' and Michael Myers is quick to dispatch them.

But Laurie is a different matter.

She dresses slightly oddly compared to her peers, doesn't have sex, does her babysitting job as asked and is seen carrying her schoolbooks so she can study anywhere she likes.

Oh yes and her hair has never seen a comb.

But she can speak, has pals and seems quite happy with who she is.

And that's exactly the type of autistic person The Shat hates and therefore must destroy.


And why is he a silent killer I hear you cry?

Well he doesn't need to say a thing because....

Autism $peaks.

Scary eh?

Don't have nightmares.

*Obviously not really as this is all made up.


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