
Showing posts from July, 2020

On The Town.

Just a quickie today as there's loads going on (our modem getting repaired for one thing) but thought I'd mention the fact that I popped into Glasgow city centre today for the first time since lockdown started. And in case you're wondering yes, I am wearing a Dave Hill T-Shirt. Look I'm from the Black Country so sue me. Rho and the girls have already ventured into town last week but I've been really nervous so decided to pop in on my own first and visit a (very) few shops I know in order to get back into the whole shopping routine. Plus after hearing a fair few horror stories online regarding exemption passes I thought it'd be easier to argue the point on my own (if needed) than when I had the twin engines of destruction with me! I shouldn't have worried tho' as actually everyone I dealt with was absolutely great. And who were they and what shops did I visit? Well if I tell you please don't judge. As always the staff at Westerton tr...

More Work Stuff!

Not been as bust as usual over lockdown but still beavering away on a few projects. Alongside the design work for Autistic singer/songwriter Takara Araki's first European release I've recently completed the art for volume 6 of the Get Your Genki compilation series. But the most exciting thing about it has to be that it features - twin 2 - Embeth's very first commissioned work - a cool comic strip that runs across the cassette J-card! She's so going to be stealing clients from me.

A Quick Ask....

Not usually grumpy first thing in the morning but noticed a huge upturn in folk self-righteously posting about masks across social media so just wanted to post a wee reminder. Seriously, if you can (And do) wear a face mask that's brilliant, knock yerself out but don't keep saying that if you/your dog/your Nan can do it anyone can. I can't because if I do I have a total autistic sensory meltdown and will end up in a ball in the corner of the shop and I really shouldn't be being made to feel like shit because of this. I tried for two weeks to wear one and if I'm honest the stress vomiting and cold shakes aren't really that pleasant when you're getting set to go out for bread and milk. Or during. The whole point is those that can wear them do it to protect those that can't, not to shame them so they feel (in my case at least) less a 'normal' person than everyone else. To be honest I've had enough of that growing up without n...


After the angry man incident t'other day I've been a wee bit worried about not being able to wear a mask out shopping. Well apart from the autistic one obviously. Well, wore my exemption lanyard whilst out yesterday (yes I know it's kinda embarrassing that the girls can wear masks but I can't - deal with it) and an happy to say that the three shops I went in were great! Phew....Hopefully this is a sign of things to come!

The Angry Man Can.....

Vaguely amusing incident in Morrison's yesterday that I just had to share. Well didn't actually have to (I mean it's not like someone threatened my dog if I didn't*) but you know what I mean. Anyway, over the last week or so we've been getting the podlings used to idea of wearing face masks when out shopping partly in preparation for it becoming mandatory in shops next week but manly just to see if they can wear them OK. And guess what? Yup, they're fine with them but my massive face phobia has kicked in and I find myself hyperventilating and panicking to a point of passing out. Oh yes, and panic vomiting. Add to that I'm finding it really difficult to focus on/read folks faces (well even more difficult than normal) when everything is hidden. Anyway, I've been doing my best but toward the end of the shopping trip I've got the choice of: A. Taking off the facemask and making it out of the shop on two feet. or B. Collapsing in a sha...

And so it goes...

4 months into lockdown I feel like I'm currently running on emergency battery power which is rather bizarre.    Best way to describe it is that it feels like an almost drunken calm with a smidgen of angst.   Sometimes it gets to a point where everything seems so vague and muggy that if you don't concentrate enough you feel that you might just fade away. What I'd give to sit outside in a bloody big thunderstorm right now.